I am guilty of using my phone at the table. Whether I’m eating lunch with the family or at dinner with friends, when the conversation doesn’t interest me I’m guilty of picking up my phone and replying to Whats App messages or checking emails. Once I even picked it up off the table and started scrolling through it on a date! Granted, it was a terrible date with someone I met off Tinder and I was actually messaging my friends to save me. In some situations using your phone is justified. Maybe you’re waiting for an important call regarding a sick family member or your kids are home with a babysitter (in my case, phone calls or messages from people looking after my dogs and horses are always allowed to be checked). You’re also allowed to use your phone at the table if you need to check in to Zomato or snap a few pictures of your food (yes, I said that). Zomato reviews can wait until you’re home.
Any other reason? No. Your phone is not welcome at the table.
There is nothing worse than trying to have a conversation with someone while they’re staring at their phone screen, “I am listening” or “I am just going to tweet this” should not be allowed. So here’s a nifty way to put a stop to it. Every person at the table needs to place their phone in the middle of the table. Leave them facing up to really drive that addiction home. The first person to reach for a beeping phone has to pay for dinner.
This can actually be really fun to play if, like me, you’re a bit competitive and don’t feel like paying for dinner. Here’s how:
- Toss some really arbitrary questions into conversations that can only be answered by Google. Someone might not think and reach for their phone to do the googling honours.
- Ensure the phones are face up. If your friend’s crush sends them a message their fingers will begin to itch.
- When discussing said crush ask what he looks like. She’ll think she can show you his Facebook profile, reach for her phone and VOILA! Dinner paid.
- If you’re eating with an avid sports fan plan the meeting during a big game. Checking the score might be worth the price of your sushi.