I’m not very fashionable but it doesn’t mean I don’t see gorgeous clothes, shoes, handbags and Converse Sneakers on Instagram that I’d love to get my hands on. It’s awfully frustrating when you ask someone on social media where they got a particular item and they can’t remember or you rush off to the shop they purchased it from and the range has ended or the item is sold out.
That’s why The Hunt is the perfect app for any savvy fashionista or even just someone desperately trying to hunt down a particular item. The Hunt is a free app for Android or iOS devices that lets you share items you’re desperate to get your hands on to an online community. The community has more than 3 million members. You post the item in a particular board (there is anything from shirts and dresses to rings and accessories). Users than assist you with stores that they’ve spotted the items in, websites that can assist and any other suggestions they may have. The community is also really helpful with other similar designs or options if you cannot find exactly what you’re looking for.
The Hunt also allows users to share their favourite current trends or make outfit suggestions. I’m surprised more brands haven’t jumped on board with this app. I think small fashion boutiques or private designers could definitely get their items to far more people this way. If you’re looking for an app to help you find out where to buy it, The Hunt is just for you!