The Adventure Time Game Wizard Review

As a long running Adventure Time fan, it was a bonus when Sam, the editor of Tech Girl sent me a review code for the latest Adventure Time game. Adventure Time Game Wizard is available for iOS and Android. It allows you to create your own levels, play through a single player campaign and surf the Arcade for other user created levels.

The game starts out like any epic episode of Adventure Time, Finn and Jake are strolling through the forest when they come across a magic book. This book has the power to bring anything you draw to life. Unfortunately, it won’t be an epic adventure game without an evil villain, this time he comes in the form of a doodle wizard.


The gameplay takes the form of a traditional platformer, there is really nothing special about it. You run, jump, collect coins, clobber enemies, and every now and then have a ho-down with a boss fight. The world is gelled together perfectly, and as you explore The Land of Ooo, you will bump into familiar faces in the form of new playable characters, and enemies.

The world is massive and you sometimes feel like you have no cooking clue where and what you are up to. This is somewhat frustrating, but I just continued down the pathway, or up the vine and found a new area. You will activate a checkpoint, also known in the game as a Checkity-Checkpoint. Here you can upgrade your character’s skills with the coins you collect. Don’t expect an in-depth skill tree, but rather a simple one that allows you to increase your health and learn a few attacks. You can also warp from checkpoint to checkpoint in case you missed a doodle, or just feel like changing the surroundings. Talking about doodles, every area has a few hidden that require certain characters to reach, so prepare to backtrack if you are OCD in the collectable department.

The characters are the jewel of the game, with almost every main character from the series either playable or making an appearance in the game. When you get the opportunity to play as a new character you will have to learn how they play. Each character jumps and attacks differently, with some even jumping three or four times in the air. This is useful when you need to reach a new area or collect coins high up in the air.

The Create Mode


The game comes with a nifty create mode. This sets your imagination free, as you can draw a level, place anything anywhere, and even scan in symbols that you draw onto paper. Do not fear if your creative skill is next to nothing, it is so easy to create anything you want, once you have got the hang of the creator though. This is the tough part, even though the game offers a simple tutorial at the beginning of the level, it barely covers anything, leaving the experimenting up to you.

If you get into the creation mode, the sky is the limit. There is also the promise of future content packs that will add new assets to the mode, so don’t think that what you see is what you get.

The Arcade Mode


If creating levels is not your thing, and you would rather bask in the imagination of other players, then the Arcade Mode is for you. Here you can play through levels created by other players, and let me just say that they are pretty impressive. I have often had trouble connecting to the servers, which put a downer on exploring the mode to its fullest, but there is promise for months of content.



Adventure Time Game Wizard is a great package and plays great on a mobile device. Sure the platforming get very repetitive very quickly, and sometimes you will wish there was a bit more depth to it, but it stays true to its Adventure Time core. All the character are there, all the voices are original, and the design mode and arcade mode add hours of content, even if you aren’t creative, just play another player’s level.

Disclaimer: Cartoon Network supplied us with a review code for Adventure Time Game Wizard.

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