Appletiser makes Valentines Day fun

This week a gorgeous package arrived on my desk. It included two 275ml bottles of Appletiser but they had pretty Valentines day motifs on the bottles with cute sayings.

Appletizer Bottle 1  Appletizer Bottle 2Appletizer Bottle 3

You’re likely wondering what this has to do with technology. Well, the bottles incorporate Augmented Reality… Augmented what right? In short, Augmented Reality allows you to see (on say your smartphone or tablet) a live view of your physical real-world environment with elements that are augmented… so think animated characters, music and the like.

Appletiser makes Valentines Day fun by launching a limited edition romance themed collectable bottle set. Each bottom has a unique and fun character attached to it. You download the APPletiser app on your iPhone or Android device and then follow these steps:





You’ll then get to see the fun characters pop up on your screen. They’ve got fun names too: Johnny Appleseed, Apple Blossom and QP1D. If you put different bottles together the characters interact with one another in unique ways. You never know what you’re going to get!


It’s really just a bit of mindless fun and I entertained myself for a good few minutes. The characters are rendered exceptionally well and will make you giggle. Appletiser makes Valentines Day fun and gives you a bit of innocent entertainment. When you’re done you get to enjoy a bottle or two too! The collectable packs will be available in stores from mid Feb/beginning of March.

To find out more follow Appletiser on Twitter or like them on Facebook

Disclaimer: I was sent a press pack that consisted of two bottles of Appletiser to test the augmented reality. I promptly drank both when I was done. 

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