Get a closet like the one from Clueless

Remember way back in 1995 when Alicia Silverstone played Cher in Clueless? The movie opened with her using a touch screen to select her outfit for the day and her closet delivering it to her. So how do you get a closet like the one from Clueless? We have no clue. But LG launched their updated LG Styler (a clothing management system) at CES 2015 and it reminded us of Cher’s walk in.

The LG Styler is a funky closet type set up that is ideal for refreshing clothes without detergents. It’s perfect for suits and coats as well as baby soft toys (many detergents aren’t friendly to baby’s skin). While this isn’t a new product it is far better than its predecessor, smaller, cheaper and quieter (so you can run it while you sleep).

LG_CES2015_LG Styler 2

The Styler has an Odor Removal feature that operates using steam and quickly refreshers your winter coat or favourite cocktail dress – so no more old smoke smells after a night on the town! There’s a Moving Hanger Action which shakes clothes once they’re steamed and removes wrinkles. No need to worry about shrinking jackets – the Styler continually pumps in warm air and maintains it at a low temperature. There’s also a sterilisation option that works utilising hot steam. So all that rolled in to a pretty cupboard looking design.

So would we buy it? Not yet. But one day, when we’re rolling in moola we’ll have it in our house. Our power suits will never need to be sent to the dry cleaner again!




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