We’re rather lucky and get to go to some rad events. We get to play games and with gadgets first. We sometimes get rather rad goodie bags. We want to share that with you!
Over the next 3 weeks we’re going to be running 3 different competitions to find 3 winners. Each of these winners will get themselves tickets to the official South African launch party of Dying Light as well as access to exclusive in-game content.
Dying what?
Dying Light is a new Zombie game being launched towards the end of the month. It’s a pretty nasty first person action survival horror game (yup ALL THE THINGS). During the day you scavenge your urban environment over run by a vicious outbreak, trying to find supplies and crafting weapons. At night it gets interesting because you become the hunted. Those infected by the outbreak (so the zombies) become more aggressive and dangerous. You need to survive the night.
Good Night. Good Luck.
If you want to be one of the first to play the game (and also want access to a rad party and goodie bag swag), we can make that happen. This week’s competition is rather easy:
The game is a rather impressive crafting system to you can create some vicious weapons and also make specialised ammunition. Running with that theme, you need to either TWEET or POST ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE your preferred zombie killing weapon (so what would you use to get those heads off?). You can either describe it or post a picture.
Most importantly, your entry needs to include the following hashtags: #DyingLightJHB #WeaponOfChoice #TechGirl
This competition is being externally moderated and as such, they need those hashtags to track entries. Tell us your zombie killing weapon of choice and you could be joining us at the launch. What are you waiting for? Get tweeting! Entries for this week’s competition close on Sunday 11 January at 9pm CAT.