How to move your blog to

So you’ve been at this blogging thing for awhile now and you’re sick of the at the end of your URL. You’ve found the perfect domain and booked it. Your hosting is set up and it is time for the great move…. and you’re terrified.

Don’t be. Here’s how to move your blog to in 3 steps. 

1. Go in to your blog, go to tools and click export.


2. Make sure you export ALL THE THINGS, to your PC (it will download as an XML file)


3. Now log in to your blog (usually your domain name followed by /wp-admin if WordPress has been loaded). Go to Tools and click import. Then click WordPress. You’ll be asked to install a plugin and upload your XML file. Make sure you check the box for importing attachments so all your pictures come with.


Yup, that easy! You’ve moved!

Quick tip: if you’ve had your blog going for awhile make sure you redirect your readers to your new URL rather than setting the blog to private and losing them forever. If you’re still struggling let us know in the comments section below and we’ll try help.

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