Mobile Games You Should Be Playing

Mobile gaming is the devil, I know, so let’s embrace the warmth that is has to offer and spend the rest of our lives with our eyes on our screens. As someone who never used to take mobile gaming seriously, I now spend every PS4 loading screen on my phone playing Candy Crush Soda. So here is a little guide to the mobile games you should be playing on your phablet, phone, or whatever you use to get your game on.

Best Fiends – By Seriously

games best fiends

Available on iOS

Best Fiends is a match – 3 RPG mash up where you play through levels fighting off black blobs of goo with your party of insects. It might sound very cliché, but it actually has a great level up system that allows you to increase the level of these cute insects, in doing so you increase their attack power, when you reach a set level they actually evolve into a better looking fiends. There are a couple of fiends to collect and the gameplay is pretty casual and easy to master.

Candy Crush Soda Saga – By Limited

games candy crush

Available on iOS

Available on Android

Available on Facebook

Evil walks this earth people, and I realized this last week when I booted up Candy Crush Soda Saga for the first time. I now lay in bed for hours and play this, but trust that I have not connected it to Facebook to spam people with requests. Candy Crush Soda Saga puts a spin on the traditional Candy Crush by adding in purple soda, yes this might sound ridiculous but, it feels fresh. Saving Candy Bears by smashing the frosting that bury them, matching 4 candies to make a Swedish Fish that swims around and destroys a random block, and do this all in 150 levels. Yes people, it is addictive.

World of Warriors – By Mind candy Limited

games world of warriors

Available on iOS

It is crazy that with so many games around on the App Store developers still manage to come up with fresh new ideas. World of Warriors takes turn based combat to a whole new cute, but epic level. You get to control a team of adorable people from landmark eras in history, Vikings, Romans, Ninjas, you name the era. You collect them depending on their rarity, and fight them against enemies of the same stature. The rarer your team is the stronger they are, you can also summon new random minions using in game currency earned or paid purchases. The combat is flashy and you have to time your taps along bars to get the most out of your attacks, you will lose by not using the right combination of party members. Trust me when I say that World of Warriors is something completely new and refreshing, and it’s pretty hardcore.

Plants vs. Zombies 2 – By PopCap

games plants vs zombies

Available on iOS

Available on Android

Who has not heard of Plants vs Zombies? The nice thing about Plants vs. Zombies 2 is that is it free and constantly updated with new levels and content. Right now the latest update includes new plants and beach levels that put a spin on the game’s mechanics. The game will keep you busy for hours on end.

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