4 free ways to learn how to code online

Knowing how to code is not only a useful but also a lucrative skill to have as website design, apps and general programming become new forms of communication in the digital age.

According to a recent US Department of Labor study 65 percent of today’s schoolchildren will eventually be employed in jobs that have yet to be created. This means that either your future job hasn’t yet been invented or that it will evolve so much so that it becomes unrecognizable, either way it will probably require coding.


To some, the thought of going back to varsity and taking subjects like computer science and stats do not appeal (never mind the cost!), and they don’t have to. Whether you’re looking for a career change or want to create websites or apps, you will benefit from learning to code. Here are 4 free ways to learn how to code online:

  • CODECADAMY >>> an easy to use site that lets you start with the basics. You can begin to learn a coding language, build a website, learn how to use APIs or even try out some fun projects, like animating your name. You earn badges along the way, keeping you motivated.
  • CODE >>> as with Codecadamy, it offers a host of options, but my favourite has to be the option to make your own games and apps. I’m trying to create the next Angry Birds.
  • KHAN ACADEMY >>> learn the basics of JavaScript in a fun and interactive way. Once you master the basics you can move onto creating visualizations, which will allow you to say goodbye to Death By PowerPoint.
  • CODE AVENGERS >>> I’ll admit it, the name drew me to this site. I mean who doesn’t want to be part of the Code Avengers? I tried it out, and as with the others you can choose from websites, games and apps. The first level is free, but once you get to (level) 2 and 3, you need to pay.

Once you get good at coding, besides from making money, being invited to all of the coolest parties (I’m assuming here), and improving your skill set, you’ll also be able to understand the technology shaping our world.



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