Almost time for an African Christmas

It’s the 1st of October which means we’re only 8 weeks away from December. Let that sink in for a minute.

Our favourite online stationery shop, Macaroon, has just launched their gorgeous Christmas range entitled “Give me an African Christmas.” While Macaroon’s offerings aren’t really “tech” related, we can’t help but share a little bit of a love for them. The reason is two fold:

  1. How else are you going to wrap your favourite gadgets up to put under the tree come Christmas?
  2. Sometimes laptop batteries die. Notebooks never switch off.
Post cards for Christmas cards? What a fun idea!
Post cards for Christmas cards? What a fun idea!
Love the red, white & black colour palette.
Love the red, white & black colour palette.
Christmas sacks. Fill them with small goodies for the kids to open in the morning. Big pressies go under the tree!
Christmas sacks. Fill them with small goodies for the kids to open in the morning. Big pressies go under the tree!
So pretty!
So pretty!

Macaroon paired up with artist Tracey Paul a while back and the partnership has translated over to the African Christmas build up. There are a host of quirky African animal characters all dressed in their Christmas finery. I immediately identified with Mac the Porcupine! Tracey’s brief from Macaroon co-owner & Design Director, Cheryl Liebenberg was to create characters that looked like they’d popped into a Christmas photobooth filled with fun props. There’s a host of custom African Christmas goodies that you’ll love and the best part? You can customise them! You can purchase Macaroon goodies via the online store or visit their showroom in Greenside.

Which African Christmas item is your favourite? I’m in love with the Christmas cards as post cards idea!

The Porcupine has stolen my heart.
The Porcupine has stolen my heart.
The are great has gift tags, tree decorations or even place settings!
These are great has gift tags, tree decorations or even place settings!
I love the African edge to these Christmas decorations.
I love the African edge to these Christmas decorations.

I'd love to chat to you some more.


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