So you chose Blogger instead of WordPress. That’s okay. Not okay? Having to manually share blog posts on your Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, LinkedIn & other social media accounts. What a mission!
While Blogger automatically updates your Google + profile it doesn’t offer you what WordPress does, the option to automatically share to all your social media platforms, without having to hit the submit button on a trillion different websites (maybe I’m exaggerating but every day a new social network pops up!).
Never fear, Tech Girl is here (yeah, I’ve been holding on to that one desperate to use it since the site started).
Automatic social sharing for Blogger? No problem, I’ve got a quick hack for that. There’s this fun website called IF THIS THEN THAT.
Pretty simple: you sign up and tell the internet that if this (in this case this is posting a blog post) then that (that would be sharing said link all over the interwebs). So spend a little bit of time setting up on if this then that and BAM – Automatic social sharing for Blogger.
So easy.
Looking for other TGSavvy hints and tips – tell us what you’re desperate to know in the comments below and I’ll try help you out.