Win a Canon SA Photobook

I’m a showjumper. I own 3 horses. Before these three I had another and 3 ponies. I have years’ worth of photos that sit in a box, on flash drives and generally just gather dust. I’ve always thought it would be great if I could compile all the photos together into a gorgeous coffee table type book… but the few places I chatted to quote insane amounts and I eventually gave up on the idea.

Until now.

Canon SA has launched Canon SA Photobooks. They supply you with incredible software that you can access online. You can then design your Photobook using photos taken from any camera (yup, even your phone). Once you’re finished simply order the book and Canon will print it and deliver it to you within 3 working days.

Pricing is friendly enough for private users as well as corporates which is a huge bonus.

Even better, if you order before the end of December 2014 you’ll receive 20% off the price. I’m all about the discounts.

I love that you’re able to completely customise your own book. It will make is completely unique and all yours. I’m already prepping all my photos!


While I’m all about the discounts Tech Girl is all about giving you the opportunity to try out rad products for free! So we’ve got 3 photobooks to give away. You can win a Canon SA Photobook. That’s right, you can design your book, have it printed and delivered on us and Canon SA! How awesome?


All you need to do is tell us in the comments below which photo you’d put on the cover of your book and why?

Competition closes 29 September. To make your own Photobook visit






  1. A photo of me and two of my Contiki friends drinking Steins (a litre of beer) at the Hof Brau Haus in Berlin. It was our first dinner together on our Contiki and the beginning of an epic trip and friendships.

  2. I’ve been wanting to make a photo book about all the wonderful travels my husband and I have been on for ages! On the cover, I would put a picture from the first day we ever met (and the day we fell in love), which happened to be 29 September! It is now 13 years ago, and we are still madly in love and share a passion for travel and new discoveries.

  3. As a mom I have ALL THE PICTURES but very few of them actually tangible (i.e. on hard drives, flash disks and CDs all over the house) pictures of our kids. Over the past 10 years I have taken beautiful pictures of them but there is only so much wall space, you know? I would love to do a photobook that can encompass the past decade of their lives (the oldest turns 10 in November) so that they have something that they can page through and enjoy. The cover picture would definitely be something gorgeous of the two of them together where they are actually clean, scab free and wearing clothes that all fit properly and have no holes.

  4. We print a family album every year but have fallen behind :-0 For this year it would have to be a pic of our growing family I took at a local park including our two kids and 3 dogs under a huge tree

  5. The photo I would put on the front would be the close up of the moose my husband took on our trip to Calgary OR the picture of the Rocky Mountains. Both are awesome pictures and the book would be a great way to show case our trip. Can’t wait to fill our book, & have it sent to us! 😀

  6. Hmmm tough one. In the past two years my husband and I have been visiting and relishing at (almost) all the touristy spots in Cape Town and its surrounds… I think, from a really tough call, I would choose an epic image I’ve taken at Boulders Beach – although I took the pic with my iphone, it’s brochure quality and the brilliance still amazes me.

  7. I see my previous comment disappeared so am reposting – I would choose the photo of my family and I walking away through long grass towards the sunset. It represents the three of us walking to our future, holding hands, side by side. Knowing that no matter what we will all have each other no matter what happens!

  8. Lovely Giveaway!!! The photo I would put on the front would be one of my Favourite photo’s which happens to be of my daughter and I walking, holding hands towards the ocean with our backs facing the camera. it is special to to me because it represents to me that I will always be a part of her life through the good and bad times leading and directing her in the right direction. Reminds me each and every day why I love being a mother!!! Fingers crossed 🙂

  9. A photo of my wife and I at the beach, perfect beach photo, waves in the background, me significantly shorter than my wife due to me being buried almost knee deep into the sand, my reason for this particular photo is that its the only picture where I can blame the sand for being the reason I’m shorter than my wife…..

  10. My cover picture will be of our beautiful Table Mountain and surrounds. My daughter and I have visited it recently and were in awe of the beautiful landscapes (360 degree views). This specific trip was very special bonding time in nature to us, hence I would love to in hardcopy form in a Canon SA Photobook so the memories can last and be shared.

  11. I would put one of my best makeup work on the front cover of the Canon Photobook. This would be a great photo book to put some of my best work as a makeup artist in it. Something I can put on my coffee table and be proud of my work and to own a Canon Photobook 🙂 Hopefully!

  12. I’d put a picture of my little family. Our kiddo is growing too quickly and we recently captured some awesome memories together. Sadly, I have over 3000 pictures from the last 7 months, but not a single one printed. I’d love to put together a little book of memories!

  13. I would put a picture of my children as they are so independent at 17 and 22 that I need to capture their pics to preserve the memories before they leave the nest

  14. Have so many pics lying around, would love to create a photobook, such a great idea! I would do one of our wedding pics, have some lovely shots

  15. I would put a photo of my mother and I because she is my every day inspiration…My strength and supprt system she is always. My mother is my best friend and I would love this to be a constant reminder of her love and support to me…being on my cover will definitely keep me motivated and happy from within always 🙂

  16. I would put a picture of my 2 sons and our family dog on the cover, the dog has since passed away but the memories will last forever if I win 🙂

  17. It would be a very special photo of myself and mom. It was a very special occasion when we had a make-over done. She had to travel to Cape Town and we nearly didn’t make it for the appointment since the bus broke down and I had to drive to collect her at 6 in the morning. So neither of us had much sleep since we had been in contact throughout her bus trip since the early hours of the morning but the professional make-up artist & hair-stylist and photographer made sure that we looked our absolute best. The most beautiful pic I have with my mom. I cherish that photo and the memories of that day.

  18. Ah what a lovely prize! I’ve always wanted a photo book to display my best memories! The photo I would use on the cover would be the one of my whole family and I at my 21st. It was just the most incredible night and it was wonderful to have them all their as I took my step into adulthood. The photo symbolises our family’s love and the constant support they have all given me! It would be so nice to have photos printed again and on show as these days they are often just stored on our phone and never shown to the world!

  19. I have the most gorgeous picture of my daughter and my husband reading a book together. That would have to go on the cover. The theme of the book would be a brief summary of my hubby and I (a baby shot or two and then some couple pics and a wedding photo) and the rest would be Rosie’s first year. That would be such a beautiful gift to give her. She would have her history summarised into pictures. Love it!

  20. A photo of my son who is completly and utterly the light of our lives. Whenever a grey moment arises, a glimpse of his face or a photo of him, immediatley reminds us of what matters and of how happy life can be.

  21. A photo of my husband and I with our family on our wedding day 3 years ago. At that point we had been together 8 years and it worked out to literally one third of my life (I was 16 when we started dating) We had a destination wedding at the coast so it felt like one huge family holiday with a fabulous party thrown in. Great memories of that day.

  22. I would choose a picture of my family (including my fur babies!). Knowing that these people and fur babies are in my life gives me great joy and will remind me of how blessed I am everyday.

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