Consider buying a Windows Phone

Android Operating System users are pretty loyal, let’s not even get into the cult like following that Apple and iOS garners but what about Windows?

The thing is, no one is screaming Windows OS from the roof tops. It doesn’t have the cult like obsessed following of the other two…. unless you ask someone using a Windows Phone what they think. Then you’ll hear a different tune. You’ll hear a song of quiet sophistication, simplicity and ease of use.


This isn’t me giving Windows Phones lip service. My biggest gripe with the OS was that it had such a limited number of apps available. Hell, at one point they didn’t even have Instagram! What’s the point of eating out if you can’t share pictures of your food right? It lacked the variety and put off most folk (including me). But I’ve seen a tilt… a shift. It started slowly but the speed has increased. Developers are taking your favourite apps and making them available on Windows Phones.


Just last week it was announced that Uber, the clever cab service managed via a phone app, would now be available for Windows Phones. This was followed up with the announcement that Fitbit is also now available for the OS as well as MyFitnessPal. It’s a clever move by the Microsoft crowd. You see, using a Windows Phone is actually really easy. I’ve seen the not so technologically gifted figure it out in a matter of minutes, whereas an Android device boggled their mind. I find the OS clean and simple. It has an added sophistication and clutter free layout that Android sorely lacks. The quality of Windows Phones coupled with competitive pricing has always been a strong selling point and by banging in all the apps you can get elsewhere, they may just have made it worth the consumer’s while to consider buying a Windows phone.

Would you switch over from your current phone? 

I'd love to chat to you some more.


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