How to make money on your smartphone in five minutes

Imagine you could make money on your smartphone in five minutes? Well, from 11 August you can. WeChat plans to launch Money for Jam (or as the cool kids call it M4JAM).  It’s a very simple concept – you register on the platform via WeChat and become a “registered jobber”. When businesses have small tasks they need completed they then outsource them to jobbers on M4JAM. You then complete the task and are paid. Payment vouchers are sent to you and then you can redeem them at Pick n Pay till points around South Africa. Easy right?


I did wonder if something like this wouldn’t open up a type of slave labour situation, where jobbers would be underpaid for completing work that would usually cost a lot more to get done. However, the possible jobs on offer aren’t employment in the traditional sense.

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You’ll be expected to do things like confirm a road name, complete a survey or maybe take a photo of a store entrance to confirm the name of a business at a specific location. So basically – MONEY FOR JAM.

So if you want to make money on your smartphone in five minutes visit the M4JAM website and on 11 August, log in to WeChat and search for the M4JAM Official Account – WeChat ID: Money4Jam.


SEE ALSO: Why you are not making money from your blog

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