5 tips to stay safe while online dating

Maybe you signed up to a dating website, maybe you’re busy swiping away on Tinder, or maybe you’ve just got a humongous crush on that guy from Twitter. No matter the platform, welcome to the world of online dating. While it all might seem interesting now it can turn ugly really fast. So here are our 5 tips to stay safe while online dating:

  1. Be realistic: remember if he is flirting with you via DM he is likely flirting with other girls too. Don’t be upset to hear the guy you’re into is talking to other girls (sometimes your friends) and going on dates. You don’t own him… yet (that was a joke). Also, don’t be fooled by a six pack abs picture on his profile or his declarations of a “connection” with you. People lie. Be aware.
  2. You’ll have to kiss a few frogs… or at least DM them for a bit: You’re going to have to speak to a number of different folk before you find someone (or two) that you click with. Even then, they may not stack up in real life. Bite the bullet and remember Rome wasn’t built in a day; there are plenty of fish in the sea… There are enough idioms for us to go on like this for days.
  3. First “real life” dates need to be in public. He doesn’t fetch you. You meet in a public space. You make sure one or two friends know where you are and that you’re meeting a stranger. Keep in mind that even Hannibal comes across as somewhat attractive from time to time. If he keeps putting off meeting in real life – refer to point number 1.
  4. NEVER SEND NAKED SELFIES TO STRANGERS.  Surely we don’t need to explain this further?
  5. Have fun. Because if we can’t giggle at ourselves who can we giggle at? Don’t take online dating rejection personally. Move on. Don’t be afraid to call it quits when chatting to someone if they make you feel at all uncomfortable. Much like normal dating, you get to be a bit selfish here.



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