Recycle your old keyboard

We live in a world where we produce so much waste. News bulletins are constantly telling me that we’re slowly destroying our Earth, one consumer good at a time. In order to be a little bit more environmentally friendly, we need to start working on ways to reuse and recycle items. I have two old keyboards that, for whatever reason, have been banished into my study cupboard (see: place to store defunct electronic equipment).



I’m a big fan of horses so when someone shared this with me the other day it got me thinking. What else could I do with my old keyboards?

It turns out there is an awful lot you can do. You can attempt to make a rocking horse (I’m pretty sure this may not be the greatest start for first timers).
It turns out there is an awful lot you can do. You can attempt to make a rocking horse (I’m pretty sure this may not be the greatest start for first timers).


If you stick small magnets to the back of old keys they make awesome fridge magnets.
If you stick small magnets to the back of old keys they make awesome fridge magnets.
One of our Tech Girls, Anne, is a huge fan of notebooks. Using old keys to cover one gives it a funky and original look.
One of our Tech Girls, Anne, is a huge fan of notebooks. Using old keys to cover one gives it a funky and original look.
Honestly I have no idea how you’d do this at home... but I want one for my desk.
Honestly I have no idea how you’d do this at home… but I want one for my desk.



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