
6 of the most popular geeky pinterest boards you need to follow

As we ease ourselves back into working full weeks, I thought it would be cool to check out the most popular geek related boards on Pinterest. This social media platform takes you down the rabbit hole and before you know it, it is 3 am and you’re looking at chickens with machine guns. From all things LEGO, to the ultimate geek chic outfits, there is something for every one. Here is my selection of the most popular geeky Pinterest boards you need to follow.

Author’s note: one of these boards actually does have a chicken with machine guns. You are welcome. 

1.For everything LEGO

Follow the LEGO board here.

lego 1
I love her smile.

SEE ALSO:  5 geeky jewelllery items you’ll want to buy

2.For awesome pixel art

Follow the Pixel Art board here. 

pixel art
But is it art? Yes. Yes it is.

3.For Geek Chic

Follow the Geek Chic board here. 

geek chic 1
How cool are these?

SEE ALSO: 4 geeky South African online stores

4.For cool AF geeky things

Follow the Fun board here. 

fun fridge DIY
The greatest thing about this fridge is that you could totally DIY it.

5.For geeky gadgets & gizmos

Follow the Geek Husband board here. 

geeky cups
My current obsession: the T-rex.

6.For tech nostalgia

Follow the Tech Nostalgia board here. 

tech way back when
This is amazing. Every one has to start somewhere.

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