
Tools of Titans – Book Club Pick


I’m a huge fan of Tim Ferris. I listen to his podcast religiously and I always re-read his books the 4 Hour Work Week, 4 Hour Body and 4 Hour Chef. Tools of Titans is the lifestyle hacker’s latest offering and is an amalgamation of all the learnings from his interviews with famous guests from his podcast.

SEE ALSO: 3 podcasts to make you smarter (perfect for a road trip)

This book is not meant to be read in order and focuses on three main themes: healthy, wealthy and wise. There are also non themed chapters that provide excellent practical advice. I particularly enjoyed the chapters on morning and evening rituals.

Titans like Seth Godin (previous TG book club pick), Tony Robbins, Maria Popova (Brainpickings) and countless others each share their tips for becoming world class.  I’m highlighting what I think is important, and it looks like the book was printed on pink paper.

There are great quotes and some of the interviewees have their chosen spirit animals on their chapters.


Read this book if…

If you want to improve your life. There are lots of small steps that you can implement right away and failure isn’t an option as the best people in their crafts have made all of the mistakes for you. This will also tell you what makes extraordinary people tick and how you can become extraordinary too.

PS: During the holidays you’ll probably want to read fiction, but be sure to add this book to your reading list. It is easy to read and will help you start 2017 on the right foot.

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